Race, Ethnicity, and California Prop 16

CEO StaffRacial Preferences

California voters overwhelmingly voted for Joe Biden in the recent election, 64% to 34%. To the surprise of California’s elite, most also voted against Proposition 16, that would revise the state constitution and again allow the use of race and gender in university admissions, government hiring, and government contracting. Roughly 57% voted no on Prop 16, 43% voted yes.

The following study is a statistical summary of county-level demographic data and a county’s support for Prop 16. It shows the following:

• There was no correlation between proportion of Hispanics and votes for or against Prop 16 (p. 8).

• Counties with greater percentages of blacks also had more support for Prop 16, but the statistical association was small (p. 4).

• Counties with proportionately more whites had more anti-16 voters (p. 6).

• There was a strong relationship between larger percentages of Asian residents and support for Prop 16 (p. 10). Many Asians were active on both sides of the Prop 16 movement.

• The most robust relationship was between a county’s percentage of college graduates and yes on 16, not race (p. 12).

There were only 58 counties, limiting statistical analyses.