Dear CEO supporters,
As you head out for Memorial Day weekend barbeques and family get-togethers, we wanted to update you on our recent efforts.
It remains clear that many agencies at all levels of government, universities, and other politically correct elites do not share our commitment to colorblind public policy. At the Center for Equal Opportunity, we continue to monitor, expose, and challenge those who stray from this principle. We do so with the political branches at every level of government and in the courts of law.
We also devote much of our efforts to the court of public opinion, by educating and influencing Americans on issues of race through op-eds, interviews on television, radio, and podcast appearances.
This week, Center for Equal Opportunity chairman and founder Linda Chavez interviewed Wall Street Journal columnist (and CEO board member) Jason Riley on his new autobiography of Thomas Sowell. With a career spanning more than a half-century, Sowell’s work on economic history, social inequality, race, and culture, established him as one of the greatest public intellectuals of our time. You can listen to the important discussion here.
As you may have read, CEO president and general counsel Devon Westhill was recently invited to testify at the EEOC’s hearing on the Civil Rights Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic. But just days before the hearing, Devon was disinvited because, as CEO board member Roger Clegg put it in his National Review post, “the testimony he had submitted was too forthright in its criticism of corporate wokeness.”
Devon wrote about the incident as well, and the controversy was covered in the Daily Wire this week, under the headline, “Federal Civil Rights Agency Canceled Conservative Speaker’s Testimony Over ‘Aggressive Tone’ Against Racial Quotas.”
You can read the Daily Wire’s full coverage of the controversy here. Devon also wrote a brave and important piece this month titled “Calling Tim Scott ‘Uncle Tim’ is Black-on-Black racism.” The column appeared in the Heritage Foundation’s multi-media news organization, The Daily Signal.
Lastly, CEO board member Rosalie Porter had an interesting column published recently titled, “Do all White people really have bad breath?” The piece was a response to the essay “White people, we have bad breath” in which the author compares the carelessness of gradually neglecting to brush and floss our teeth after a visit to the dentist, with the gradual diminishing of our fight against racism after proclaiming our commitment.
None of this would be possible without the support of people like you. Thank you and we encourage you to check out our new revamped website when you get a moment to stay engaged and let us know what you think.
Stay safe this holiday weekend and thank you for your continued support,
Rudy Gersten
Executive Director
Center for Equal Opportunity