Statement of Principles of True Diversity

Devon WesthillCulture & Society

Dear friends,

I am pleased to share with you that CEO has signed onto and is supporting a new initiative of the Philanthropy Roundtable. We are delighted to join with other allies like Rick Graber of The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Steven Anderson of Pacific Legal Foundation, and Judge Janice Rogers Brown in supporting a Statement of Principles of True Diversity.

True Diversity

Diversity as practiced in most American institutions today value group identity over the value of the individual. True Diversity is an equality-based initiative that promotes a thoughtful and holistic approach to embracing diversity. It provides a framework for institutions that wish to see an evolution from box-checking and quotas to a celebration of the full kaleidoscope of identities and characteristics that make each person unique such as their background, viewpoints, talents, and experiences. All characteristics of much greater importance than skin deep traits.

CEO, Philanthropy Roundtable, and our partners believe in the core American idea that every individual should be treated equally under the law and judged by the content of their character. This is why we support True Diversity as expressed in the following five principles:

Five Principles of True Diversity:

  1. Valuing each individual: Each person is a unique individual worthy of dignity and respect.
  2. Advancing the mission: Excellent results are best achieved by bringing together people with diverse skill sets, backgrounds, and perspectives to further a common mission.
  3. Seeking diverse perspectives: Bringing together people with diverse views is the key to better answers and outcomes.
  4. Embrace conversation: Open and free discussion and debate are the doors to progress.
  5. Cultivate empowerment: The best way to uplift individuals and strengthen communities is to foster the sense of agency that only comes when everyone feels empowered to reach their full potential.

You can learn more about True Diversity at Please be on the lookout for more updates from us as CEO helps create the True Diversity Toolkit to help institutions across America embrace legal, genuine, and meaningful diversity.