CEO Joins Heritage Foundation 2025 Presidential Transition Project

Devon WesthillCulture & Society

Dear friends,

I am thrilled to tell you that CEO has joined the Heritage Foundation’s 2025 Presidential Transition Project (Project 2025) Advisory Board. Project 2025 is creating the playbook that will equip the next administration with conservative policy recommendations and the properly vetted and trained personnel ready on day one to govern and rebuild the American way of life.

We have a heavy lift ahead of us. As you already know, the current administration has done its level best to undo what makes our country exceptional. For example, the foundational American value of equal opportunity under the law has been exchanged for discrimination for the sake of equity of outcome. The purpose of civil rights law being to prevent discriminatory treatment has been recast to presume discrimination if outcomes are undesirable. We are living in times where duly enacted civil rights laws that were written to protect all Americans are enforced for favored groups but not for others, or simply not enforced at all.

Modeled after the “Mandate for Leadership” delivered to the Reagan Administration in 1980 that led to the revolution that followed, Project 2025 will be a collaborative work of thought leaders from across the conservative community. CEO will contribute to the efforts to craft thoughtful, conservative civil rights policy and to develop a pipeline of trained talent prepared to implement those policies.

We are honored to be asked to participate in this critical effort and appreciate the Heritage Foundation’s collaborative leadership. To learn more about Project 2025 and to stay up to date on our progress, please visit

