As predictably as fall marks the beginning of the new school year in campuses across the country, so, too, does it usher in new attacks on standardized testing. The 2011 version comes in the form of a new book, “SAT Wars,” a collection of essays that purports to be an authoritative account of the controversy over one particular test used by most selective universities in their admissions process. But far from being an unbiased account of the pros and cons of using any standardized test — much less the SAT, one of the most thoroughly studied, modified, and continuously validated …
Here’s Linda Chavez on The O’Reilly Factor
In case you missed it, here’s Center for Equal Opportunity chairman Linda Chavez on The O’Reilly Factor last Friday, talking about the studies that the CEO released last week in Madison, Wisconsin, that revealed severe racial preferences in state university undergrad and law school admissions there—and talking about the thuggish reception we received in Madison. Related posts: BAMN! The Center for Equal Opportunity Zaps Racial Preferences Colorblind Law Politicized external review panels as unguided “diversity” missiles: California university administrators remain ultra-slow learners Does Equal Protection Violate the Equal Protection Clause?
Racial Preferences in Wisconsin
The campus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison erupted this week after the release of two studies documenting the heavy use of race in deciding which students to admit to the undergraduate and law schools. The evidence of discrimination is undeniable, and the reaction by critics was undeniably dishonest and thuggish. Related posts: New Studies Show Severe Racial Discrimination at University of Wisconsin New CEO Report: If California Restores Race Discrimination: Implications for Higher Education Madison Mob Madness Standardized Testing Under Attack … Again
Madison Mob Madness
This has been an exciting week for the Center for Equal Opportunity—and for the cause of true, colorblind equal opportunity. On Tuesday at a press conference in Madison, Wisconsin, we released two studies that revealed severe discrimination based on race and ethnicity in undergraduate and law school admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with African Americans and Latinos being given huge preferences over whites and Asians. Related posts: Racial Preferences in Wisconsin Back to Madison! TESTIMONY OF ROGER CLEGG, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTER FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BEFORE THE U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS REGARDING THE PROPOSED EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT …
New Studies Show Severe Racial Discrimination at University of Wisconsin
(Madison, WI) Two studies released today by the Center for Equal Opportunity reveal severe discrimination based on race and ethnicity in undergraduate and law school admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, with African Americans and Latinos given preference over whites and Asians. The studies are based on data supplied by the schools themselves, some of which the university had refused to turn over until a lawsuit was filed by CEO and successfully taken all the way to the state supreme court. The studies were prepared by Dr. Althea Nagai, a research fellow at CEO, and can be viewed on the …
Obama Issues Executive Order on Diversity
President Obama issued an executive order last week titled, “Establishing a Coordinated Government-Wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce.” It’s quite vague, extolling the value of diversity without defining it, and setting up a “government-wide initiative” for “all agencies” that will “develop and issue a Government-wide Diversity and Inclusion Strategic Plan.” Details later, and the devil, of course, will be in the details. Related posts: TESTIMONY OF ROGER CLEGG, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTER FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BEFORE THE U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS REGARDING THE PROPOSED EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT Politicized external review panels as unguided “diversity” …
Should New York City Help Only Black and Latino Men?
The New York Times reported recently that New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg will, to quote the headline, “Unveil a Plan to Aid Young Black and Latino Men.” The article said the plan is “a blunt acknowledgment that thousands of young black and Latino men are cut off from New York’s civic, educational and economic life” and are “disproportionately undereducated, incarcerated and unemployed.” The various social programs will be financed not only by the city, but by Mayor Bloomberg himself, as well as fellow billionaire George Soros. Related posts: TESTIMONY OF ROGER CLEGG, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTER FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY …
Congratulations to the New Haven firefighters!
First, congratulations to the New Haven firefighters and their legal team! Last week the city of New Haven agreed—finally—to pay $2 million and enhanced pension benefits to the firefighters in their celebrated case that went all the way to the Supreme Court a couple of years ago. The 20 firefighters (19 white and one Latino) sued after the city threw out the results of a civil service examination for promotions because it didn’t like the racial results. Related posts: Politicized external review panels as unguided “diversity” missiles: California university administrators remain ultra-slow learners Some Advice for University Officials — and …
Discrimination in celebration of diversity
Last week, the city of New Haven, Conn., agreed – finally – to pay $2 mil- lion and enhanced pension benefits to the firefighters in a celebrated case that went all the way to the Supreme Court a couple of years ago. The 20 firefighters (19 white and one Hispanic) sued after the city threw out the results of a civil service examination for promotions because it didn’t like the racial results. Related posts: The Dubious Celebration of Corporate Diversity TESTIMONY OF ROGER CLEGG, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTER FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BEFORE THE U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS REGARDING …
Your Watchdog at Work
Every day we review the Federal Register—a daily publication of proposed rules, regulations, and the like from federal agencies—for items that violate principles of colorblind equal opportunity. It’s rare that we don’t find something that provides grist for our mills here, and here’s an example of a formal comment I sent this week on a recent doozy: Related posts: TESTIMONY OF ROGER CLEGG, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL COUNSEL, CENTER FOR EQUAL OPPORTUNITY BEFORE THE U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS REGARDING THE PROPOSED EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT Politicized external review panels as unguided “diversity” missiles: California university administrators remain ultra-slow learners We Need …