Percentage of Births to Unmarried Women

Roger CleggCulture & Society, Uncategorized

Besides which country you are born in, in my view the most important factor by far in explaining disparities in all manner of life outcomes (poverty, unemployment, crime, education, you name it) is whether you were born out-of-wedlock. And since Americans are very interested in racial disparities, from time to time I post the federal government’s latest data on this topic. Late last year, the final data for 2018 were published here (the key is Table 9 on page 25), and here’s what we learn: For all racial and ethnic groups combined, 39.6 percent of births in the United States …

We Need More Black Drug Dealers, Part II

Roger CleggCulture & Society

The Huffington Post last week had an article headlined, “Ocasio-Cortez Slams the ‘Racial Injustice’ of the Cannabis Business As White Men Profit,” reporting that the “New York congresswoman suggests ‘affirmative-action licensing’ to mitigate the ‘racial wealth gap’ in areas that paid the price of the war on drugs.”  She’s offended by the fact that too many white men are making money on legalized pot, and suggests that maybe licenses should be distributed so as to favor nonwhites, to make up for the fact that so many of them were arrested in the past for dealing drugs illegally. I’m not happy …