The mission of the Center for Equal Opportunity is to study, develop, and disseminate ideas that promote colorblind equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in America.
Despite inequities and discrimination that may exist, the United States is not a racist and discriminatory country. The Center for Equal Opportunity (CEO) stands as a bulwark against this idea. Unfortunately, simple explanations and quick fixes are too often advanced to explain disparities in our society which obscures and deflects from the actual or more acute factors that could and should be addressed. Moreover, many laws, policies, and other initiatives launched to address societal disparities ultimately harm most those whom the actions are intended to help.
Where there is discrimination in our country on the basis of race, sex, or other immutable characteristics, Americans want it removed. CEO supports this position but opposes ideas that simply replace discriminating against individuals on the basis of skin color or ethnicity, for example, with granting preferences on those same bases. CEO instead, studies, develops, and disseminates ideas to promote colorblind equal opportunity and nondiscrimination in America.